Attorney Disability Income

Apply Now

BAEC Member Brochure

NYCCCBA Member Brochure

Program Highlights

  • To apply, you must be under age 60 and a member of one of the sponsoring Bar Associations, such as the New York Civil & Criminal Courts Bar Association (NYCCCBA), the Bar Assocation of Erie County (BAEC), or other sponsoring Bar Associations.
  • Coverage is guaranteed renewable as long as:

    • You are an Attorney under age 75

    • Active in the profession

    • A member of the sponsoring Bar Association and the Association continues to sponsor the program

  • "Own Occupation Coverage"

    • If your occupation is limited to a recognized specialty within the scope of your degree or license, the Company will deem it to be your Occupation. Your Occupation is the Occupation you are engaged in at the time you become disabled.

  • Favorable Benefit Limits

    • Under Age 50 - $17,000/month ($204,000/yr.)

    • Age 50-59 - $10,000/month ($120,000/yr.)

    • (Based on Health & Financial Underwriting)

  • Customizable plans with your choice of waiting and benefit periods.

  • Valuable Optional Benefits Available



Underwritten by Life Insurance Company of Boston & New York (Athol Springs, New York)



Information provided is a summary only.  For complete terms and limitations, please refer to the applicable Certificate or Policy of Insurance.  Specimen copies available upon request.