Life Insurance for Attorneys 

Protect your Family and your Finances


This program is available to members of the New York Criminal & Civil Courts Bar Association (NYCCCBA).  Attorneys admitted to the New York State Bar may become members. Dues are only $50/year. For more information on the benefits of NYCCCBA membership, please visit

NYCCCBA members and their spouses under age 65 who are actively at work on a full-time basis (30 hours or more per week) are eligible to apply. The group purchasing power of NYCCCBA members keeps premiums reasonable. Up to $2,000,000 in coverage is available.


Want to see your rates? Go to Start Protecting your Future where you can also apply in an easy, secure, electronic format!




Group Level Term 

The premium stays level for the first 10, 15, or 20 years, depending on the term length you select.


Group Annual Term 

Premiums increase in five-year age brackets.


Please contact our office for more information. Permanent life insurance options are also available.