Business Overhead Expense Insurance
Business Overhead Expense Insurance helps pay your overhead expenses if you are disabled and unable to work in your occupation.
If disability strikes, your income stream can slow down, and even stop, while many expenses continue. This policy reimburses the actual overhead expenses of your practice or business, up to the monthly benefit that you select. The real benefit to you: your staff, office and practice can still be there when you can resume your duties. An additional benefit is that the premiums for this policy are generally tax-deductible as a business expense.
What Expenses Can Be Covered?
- Rent Payments
- Mortgage Interest Payments
- Employees’ Salaries and Benefits (excluding those of insured and members of insured’s profession)
- Office Insurance (including malpractice,workers’ compensation, property & liability premiums)
- Electricity, Heat, Water
- Interest on Outstanding Loans
- Licenses
- Practice-related accounting and legal fees
- Other fixed office expenses

Physician Program
Exclusively for members of our sponsoring Medical Associations, such as the Medical Society of the State of New York, our partner County/District Medical Societies, and the New York State Society of Anesthesiologists.
The Sellers & Co. Advantage
Our agency administers the Business Insurance Expense Programs we offer for Physicians and Attorneys. That means that you will receive personalized service directly from our agency – including at time of claim if you are injured or sick.
Underwritten by Life Insurance Company of Boston & New York (Athol Springs, New York)
Information provided is a summary only. For complete terms and limitations, please refer to the applicable Certificate or Policy of Insurance. Specimen copies available upon request.